Online judge
An online judge is an online system to test programs in programming contests. They are also used to practice for such contests. Many of these systems organize their own contests.
The system can compile and execute codes, and test them with pre-constructed data. Submitted code may be run with restrictions, including time limit, memory limit, security restriction and so on. The output of the code will be captured by the system, and compared with the standard output. The system will then return the result. When mistakes were found in a standard output, rejudgement using the same method must be made.
Online Judges have ranklists showing users with the biggest number of accepted solutions.
See also
External links
- Light Online Judge , over 350 problems, C/ C++/ Pascal/ Python/ Java supported. It has its own chat room, forum, online compiler, virtual contests, tool to compare statistics, social bookmarking like adding friends. Any user can arrange contests even with his own problems after solving at least 25 problems. Problems are categorized.
- UVa Online Judge , over 2700 problems, C/ C++/ Pascal/ Java supported.
- .Campion , over 900 problems, C/ C++/ Pascal supported. Only Romanian language.
- Caribbean Online Judge , C/ C++/ Pascal/ Java/ Python/ Perl/ Ruby/ PHP/ C# supported. English and Spanish.
- Fuzhou University Online Judge, over 800 problems. Popular among the Chinese.
- Harbin Institute of Technology Online Judge, over 1800 problems. Popular among Chinese people.
- Lviv National University Online Judge, over 100 hard ACM-type problems. Only Ukrainian language.
- Moscow Problem Archive with Online Judge, supports C/C++/Java/Free Pascal/Perl/Python/Haskell/Kylix/Lua/OCaml/Ruby/Scheme.
- Peking University Online Judge, over 2800 problems including more than 200 original problems, supports C/C++/Pascal/Java/Fortran.
- Saratov State University Problem Archive with Online Judge, over 300 problems
- Tianjin University Online Judge, over 2000 problems, supports C/C++/Pascal/Java, virtual contests supported.
- Teddy Online Judge, includes problems in Spanish, supports C/C++/Python/Java/Perl.
- USACO|USA Computing Olympiad Training Site, hundreds of problems with complementary tutorials for incrementally expanding competitive programming skills; supports C, C++, Pascal and Java programming languages; targeted to pre-college students.
- Valladolid Problem Archive with Online Judge, about 2500 problems, supports C, C++, Pascal and Java programming languages
- Zhejiang University Online Judge, over 2400 problems, supports C, C++, Pascal and Java.
- Timus Online Judge, The Timus Online Judge is the largest Russian archive of problems from different programming contests. Accepts solutions in C/C++, Java, Pascal and C#.
- z-training , over 700 problems, C/ C++/ Pascal/ Java/ Python and 8 other languages supported. Provides PHP APIs for building custom online judges.
- Shenyang Institute of Engineering Online Judge, The SIE Online Judge contains over 200 problems for beginners, Chinese and English.
- Open Computer Science Community and Online Judge, Open CS has a permanently growing problemset, that users can also contribute to. It also has a collection of computer science-related articles.
Some of the online judges designed for programming course are:
- Online Judge Plugin for Moodle 2.x, can automatically grade C/C++/Java/Python/Perl/C# and more 40+ programming language assignments.
- HUSTOJ, HUST Online Judge,C/C++/Pascal/Java/Ruby/Bash/Python/PHP/Perl/C# supported, an open source OJ system using GPL2.0 license, which support LiveCD mode and FPS format.
- FPS, Free Problem Set, an open source problemset exchange format based on XML, which providing more than 400 free problems in FPS format.
- SIO2, an open source online judge platform written in Python
- Infoarena, over 1100 problems, C/ C++/ Pascal supported, over 20000 users. Only Romanian language.